Must Watch TV show for parents: Up All Night
Indian Soap operas unfortunately don't cater to a growing sane population of viewers. Pardon me if I have missed any good Indian Serial but I don't get the fact that a country which takes so much pride the way the institution of family is set in India, offers so less content for the parents. Be it any regional channel or hindi channel all the serials are becoming shallow day by day. If they show pregnancy in a serial, it is stretched to such an extent( eg: Gopi in Saath Nibhana Sathiya and Jhanavi in Honar Sun...) they don't even feel real. And the moment these actresses deliver babies, suddenly there is a time leap and these kids then suddenly become youngsters and their parents look almost of their age expect for a strand of white hair. I really don't want to demean our Indian soap operas but it will be good if atleast they start providing good content.
I have grown up watching Lizze Mcguire and Hannah Montana. And actually I still watch them(I know I am too old for them). Both the tv shows are excellently scripted and anybody could relate to them and there is still so much to learn from them. Now that I am a parent, it is obvious that I had to search for some TV shows with good parenting content. If you are expecting or have a baby Up All Night is a must watch on your list.
The series was based on creator Emily Spivey's life when she went back to working on Saturday Night Live after giving birth to a baby boy. Due to the nature of her job, she was required to take care of the baby and work late nights. She decided she wanted to make a show based on those extremes. And this is how Up All Night was born.The plot of the story is how Reagan Brinkley(Christina Applegate), a producer for the Ava show, goes back to work after giving birth to a baby. Chris Brinkley(Will Arnett) her husband, was a former lawyer who had to quit and become a stay-at-home dad. Ava Alexander(Maya Rudolph), is the host of the Ava show and Reagan's best friend.
The first episode starts with all the feelings that new moms get while re-joining the workforce. The apprehensions that we have when we leave our baby at the baby sitters/day cares and whole day we wonder if they are ok or are they having any problems. The days when we have to say No to work or say No to family. The days when we feel we don't give enough time to our kids compared to SAHM(stay at home mom). The days when we break down while trying to balance everything. Every frame is worth watching and Christina has played the character of new mom very beautifully.
I would like to end this blog with the following excerpts from the series.
If I ever have to be late because of work or something
when you wake up in the morning I will always be there for you.
Your first tooth, I will be there, Prom time I will be there,
When you go off to college or an apartment you buy I will be always there
Happy Parenting!!!
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